Portfolio A Curated Collection of Design Projects


Portfolio Item

Subway Ad - Countdown Design

This magazine was created using Adobe InDesign and features bleeds, trapping and masking.

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Calendar - Metro

This PDF document was created using Adobe InDesign and features custom patterns and typography elements.

Portfolio Item

Menu - Town Cooking

This magazine was created using Adobe InDesign and features bleeds, trapping and masking.

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Magazine Cover - Yachting Global

This PDF document was created using Adobe InDesign and features custom patterns and typography elements.

Portfolio Item

Magazine Layout - Planets

This design composition was created using Adobe PhotoShop and features multiple blend modes and extensive masking.

Portfolio Item

Magazine Layout - Trains

This brand identity project was created using Adobe Illustrator and features custom shapes and typographical elements.

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Magazine Ad - Amethyst Bay

This magazine was created using Adobe InDesign and features bleeds, trapping and masking.

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Magazine Layout - Jin Hai Tang Hotel

This PDF document was created using Adobe InDesign and features custom patterns and typography elements.

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Brand Identity - Upper Crust Bakery

This design composition was created using Adobe PhotoShop and features multiple blend modes and extensive masking.

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Book Cover - DEVO BOB1

This brand identity project was created using Adobe Illustrator and features custom shapes and typographical elements.


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Trains Magazine

This ePub document was created using Adobe InDesign and features animation and multi-media elements.

Web Design

Portfolio Item

Town Cooking

This website was created using HTML and CSS and features multiple pages including the menu and contact information.

Portfolio Item

Java Been

This website was created using HTML and CSS and features multiple pages and a contact form.

Web Design - Animation

Portfolio Item


This web animation was created using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The Adobe Edge application was the primary animation tool.

Web Animation Explore Project